Showing posts with category Wisconsin Funeral Home. Show all posts
Let Freedom Ring ~ A Veteran's Tribute May 12, 2014 1:52 pm
We are pleased to announce that Wieting Family Funeral Home will be holding the 5th annual "Let Freedom Ring" ceremony at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 at the Wieting Family Funeral Home in Kiel, WisconsinA Tribute to Those Who Have Served
We are honored to be able to remember and pay tribute to the men and women who have defended our country and preserved our freedom. We especially recognize the veterans and their families whom we have served this past year at our funeral home.
This program is free and open to the public; however, registration is desired for planning purposes. If anyone would like to remember a veteran or to register to attend, please call the funeral home at (920) 849-4941 or (920) 894-4943.
For more information, please visit our website: and click on the "Let Freedom Ring" banner on the homepage.
Ask the Funeral Director ~ Why Do We? Jan. 17, 2014 11:45 am
It isn't uncommon for us on a semi frequent basis to be asked, "Why do we have funerals?" This is, truly, a tough question to answer, especially when asked by family members who have suffered the death of someone they love. So...why do we have funerals?
Margaret Mead, a foremost anthropologist, described America's increasingly common response to death as follows, "When a baby is born, we rejoice. When a couple is married, we celebrate. And when someone we love dies, we pretend nothing happened." Many people today don't understand why we have funerals. Things that we don't understand, we tend to be skeptical of, even fearful of.
There are many misconceptions people have about funerals, but I'd like to highlight a number that tend to turn up the most frequent.
Funerals make us sad - When someone we love dies, we NEED to be sad. Funerals provide us with a safe, supportive place in which to embrace the pain we have when we've suffered the death of someone we love.
Funerals are inconvenient - Taking a few hours out of your week to demonstrate your love for the person who died, and your support for his or her survivors is a privilege, not an inconvenience.
Funerals are rote and meaningless - They don't have to be. We are always stressing that Every Life Tells a Story. With forethought and planning, funerals can and should be personalized rituals reflecting the uniqueness of the deceased and their grieving family. Funerals provide an opportunity to tell that story which can be shared for generations to come.
Funerals are only for grown-ups - Anyone old enough to love is old enough to mourn. Children, too, have the right and privilege to attend funerals. I've heard frequently that adults have 'learned a thing or two' from children who are grieving as well.
This is by no means a complete list of funeral misconceptions, but I do hope this has shed a little light as to why we have funerals. I would also like to offer myself as a resource to you, your church, or your civic group to come speak about any death, dying grief or funeral topic you may want more information on.
Wieting Funeral Home Upgrades Company Website Apr. 23, 2013 3:00 pm
Article provided by Chilton Times-Journal:
Wieting Family Funeral Home has always been ahead of the curve when it came to technology in the funeral service sector.
"We were the first funeral home in the surrounding area to have a website, and we've been looking to advance our internet reach ever since," Funeral Director Dan Wieting said
Recently, Wieting began a long and arduous journey to update our funeral home's website.
"We decided that instead of just tweaking a few things here and there within our current site, we would start from scratch, and have a web presence that would be able to disseminate more and various information to more people quicker," Wieting said.
The new site was unveiled in February. One of Wieting's favorite parts of this new site is the photo gallery. Viewers will see photos of area landmarks, and pictures from community events they have sponsored.
"In the very near future, we'll be incorporating more and more video to the site as well," Wieting said. "This provides a way to relay more information quicker and is more apt to hold someone's attention than large amounts of text. We'll be starting with part one of a three-part series about the history of our family in funeral service."
One of the principal functions of our funeral home's website is to give access to obituary and service information. People may voluntarily sign up to receive email notification when a new notice is placed online at When a new obituary is posted, viewers will be notified of that addition.
When looking at an obituary on the website, viewers will notice that below the primary photo there is a list of ways to share that notice. Viewers can click to email the obituary to friends and family, or post it to social sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
These obituaries are also have places to offer a short condolence to the family under the Memory Book tab, or share a long story or memory under the Life Stories tab.
Wieting also publish a quarterly newsletter. Viewers can subscribe by scrolling to the bottom of the homepage and entering your email address on the right side under the heading "sign me up for our newsletter"
"If there is something you'd like us to blog on, please let us know by emailing us.," Wieting said.
In connection to the new website, Wieting also begun to become active within the social sites. The company does have an active Facebook page. Also Wieting is starting to dabble in a YouTube Channel and Google+.
For more information visit Website Services Provided by Lifestyles Media Group, LLC
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